

GAME works with a mission to create lasting social change through youth-led street sports and culture.

GAME trains youth leaders as instructors and role models in street sports and civic engagement, and the organization also establishes innovative facilities and supports street sports & culture communities and entrepreneurs.

GAME works in at-risk communities in selected countries in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.

Founded on an empowerment approach, GAME creates impact in cooperation with 1000 young role models, thousands of children, and their communities.

The goal is to strengthen equity in opportunities, health, gender, livelihood, inclusion, and engagement in society.

GAME is recognized as one of the world’s 114 best NGOs.

Learn more about our work with:

Street Sports & Culture
Youth Leadership
Empowerment Method
Innovative Facilities
Empowerment of Women and Girls
Sustainable Development
Psychological Work
GAME’s Participatory Design Principles

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